إلََّا مَن أتَى اللهَ بقَلْبٍ سَليم

Heart Series hopes to take you on a journey deep into your heart. We’ll ponder together the nature of our heart, what affects it and how to keep it sincere. This is thought #1. Read #2 Actions of the Heart

How often do you think about your heart?

Your heart, where your deepest secrets lie, where your most private thoughts dwell and your conflicting desires battle. Where faith is planted and your relationship with your Lord is nourished and maintained.

When people of long ago asked: كيف حالك ؟  They really meant : كيف حالك مع الله؟  and the best way to check your state with your Lord is to measure the state of your heart.

Amr ibn al-’As, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that he asked the Prophet ﷺ:
Who is the most beloved person to you?” He said, ‘Aisha.’ I asked, “Among the men?” He said, ‘Her father.’“ {agreed upon}

Why Sayiduna Abu Bakr?

* “Abu Bakr wasn’t poor like Abu Dharr or Abu Hurayrah, but he was better than them. He wasn’t perpetually tortured like Khabab and Bilal, or Sumayyah and Yasir, but he was better than them. He wasn’t severely injured in battle like Talha or Abu Ubaydah or Khalid, but he was better than them. He wasn’t martyred like Hamza or Umar or Uthman or Ali, but he was better than them!
So what was the secret that made Abu Bakr better than everyone?

Bakr ibn Abdullah Al-Muzani said, “Abu Bakr didn’t precede them due to offering a lot of prayer and fasting, but because of something that settled in his heart.”

It’s the actions of the heart you see. That’s what made his faith outweigh the faith of the entire umma.”

Think about it… What actions of your heart would draw you nearer to the Beloved? What desires would you battle, thoughts you would tame and intentions you would aspire to? It’s that internal flame you must light, and sincerity is its kindle.


*Adapted from an excerpt of an arabic text circulating on the web for ages, couldn’t find it’s source or author. Above is part of a translation done by Ammar Alshukry from Sheikh Alaa ElSaadawi’s page. May Allah bless them both 🙂

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8 thoughts on “إلََّا مَن أتَى اللهَ بقَلْبٍ سَليم

  1. Bassant says:

    So true !
    & so on time !
    Thank you EMMA for the lovely article ♥️
    May ALLAH purify our hearts & draw us nearer to him & to our beloved prophrt Mohamed صلي الله عليه و سلّم

  2. Reham M. says:

    “It’s that internal flame you must light, and sincerity is its kindle.”✨ Begad bravo 3aleiko, loving this! ?

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