How to Tie Your Hair Under Hijab: Quick and Easy!

How to Tie Your Hair Under Hijab

Do you know how to tie your hair under hijab? You probably do, yet it keeps moving around and bothering you, especially when it causes your hijab to go loose and ruins your look.

Girls with long hair have it harder. While short hair can be left without tying it, long hair needs to be rolled into a bun or made into a braid under the hijab.

Well, you don’t need to worry about that anymore. Here, we’ll tell you how to tie your hair under your hijab and keep it secure, so it doesn’t keep falling off and tilting your hijab with it.

How to Tie Your Hair Under Hijab

Latte Marble by EMMA. Brown hijab

There are plenty of different ways to tie your hair under your hijab, depending on the length and thickness of your hair. Obviously, some styles only work for short hair, like tying it and leaving it under your hijab cap.

So, you’ll have to judge if said style can work for your hair.

Here are the most common ways of tying your hair under a hijab.


More often than not, simple solutions are the best. You don’t have to fuss around to tie your hair under the hijab while a ponytail can suffice, especially if your hair is relatively short.

The right to do so is to tie your hair into a ponytail in a high position, but not too high that it pulls on your hair and causes you a headache. Then, wear your cap or under-scarf, collecting the ponytail inside. After that, wear your hijab normally.

This method won’t work for long hair, though, because the under-scarf may not be able to cover the entire ponytail. Besides, it’s worth noting that the ponytail can move around if the cap is loose.


Braids offer more security than ponytails, which is why they’re often the better option. If you’re going out for a long day, just pull your hair into a braid. The next step depends on your hair’s length.

If you have short hair, you can leave the braid as it is and pull your cap over it. On the other hand, if you have long hair, you can pull the braid into a bun after you’re done with it. Alternatively, you can just roll it once around its center and secure it with a hair clip.

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French Braid

A French braid obviously takes some time and needs more skill. That’s why it’s our last option. However, it’s the most secure out of the three because it keeps the hair together. You won’t see a single hair getting out of place if you manage to create a French braid, and it’ll keep your hair tidy.

On top of that, it’s a nice option if you’re going somewhere you’ll have to take off your hijab. Your hair will look nice without having to brush it again.

How to Make a Bun Under Hijab

A bun is an ideal solution for girls with long hair. It’s secure, easy to do, and doesn’t look bulky under your hijab. 

Here are two different ways to make a bun under your hijab, so your hair stays in place as you go about your day:

A Classic Bun

  1. To make a classic bun, first, brush your hair and tie it into a regular ponytail at the back of your head
  2. Roll your ponytail so that it’s entirely twisted from its base to its end
  3. Wrap the twisted ponytail around its center, adjusting it to be tight or loose as you prefer
  4. Tuck the end of the bun inside the ponytail. Or, if your hair is too thick, secure it with a couple of clips

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A Messy Bun

  1. Without necessarily brushing your hair, pull it back into a ponytail. Wrap your hair tie twice to secure your hair, then for the last wrap, don’t pull your hair entirely out of the tie. 
  2. Create a loop at the top of the ponytail using only a small part of your hair, and leave the rest dangling below
  3. Grab the rest of your hair and wrap it around the tiny bun once or twice, depending on its length.
  4. Secure its ends using hair clips or just tuck them into the hair tie

Some Tips for Tying Your Hair Under Your Hijab

Now you know how to tie your hair under your hijab, but you can still use some tips to keep it looking good.

Keeping your hair confined for long amounts of time is bound to have its toll, so here are some tips you can use to refresh your hair:

  • After unwrapping your hijab, apply some dry shampoo to your hair to let it breathe and to make it look good
  • Always wait for your hair to completely dry before wrapping your hijab. Keeping your hair wet under a veil will cause it to frizz up, and no amount of oil will get it down! 
  • Don’t tie your hair too tightly under the hijab because you’ll stress the roots, and you may end up feeling pain in your scalp
  • Make sure to expose your hair to the sun at least two times a week because wearing a hijab means you’re not getting enough Vitamin D
  • If you put your hair in a bun every time you go out, make sure you unwrap it and brush your hair when you return home. Otherwise, your hair will get twisted and end up with split ends.
  • It’s better to ditch plastic hair ties and use fabric ones instead, or use scrunches. Plastic is a bit too harsh for your hair, and will likely pull on it, causing scalp pain

Final Thoughts

To tie your hair under the hijab, either go for a bun, a ponytail, or a braid. A bun is the obvious better choice for longer hair, while a ponytail is better for short hair because it won’t pull on your roots or cause split ends.

A French braid is also a nice solution, but it may take some time to do.

Related: Here’s how to wear wedding hijab

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