Can Christians Wear Hijabs?

Hijab has always been associated with Islam, considering it’s an obligation for all Muslim females who have reached the age of puberty. 

But is Islam the only religion that obligates or encourages covering one’s head? Or can Christians wear hijab? 

Well, Islam is the only religion that obligates hijab, but Christians can still wear it while worshipping or praying if they’d like. There’s proof that the hijab predates Islam, where Jewish and Christian women used to wear it to repel unwanted attention. So, contrary to common misbelief, the hijab isn’t limited to Muslim women. 

Here’s everything you need to know about the matter.

Can Christians Wear Hijabs?

Christians can wear hijabs if they want, but they aren’t obligated by religion to do so like Muslims. Also, in Christianity, the term ‘hijab’ isn’t used. Instead, it’s referred to as a head cover.

As 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 states, 5 But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved. 6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.”

This clarifies that Christian women are encouraged to cover their heads while worshiping. However, it doesn’t say anywhere that they should cover their heads while living their everyday life.

Other than worshiping, Christian women are encouraged to be modest.

As 1 Peter 3:3-4 states, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

It’s up to Christian women whether to practice modesty by wearing hijab or not. The main difference between Islam and Christianity in this point is that the former obligates women to wear hijabs every time they step out of their house, every time they meet a man who isn’t a mahram, and during prayer.

Meanwhile, in Christianity, it always boils down to the woman’s choice.

Do Christian Nuns Cover Their Heads as a Habit or Obligation?

Christian nuns cover their heads to show their complete devotion to God and express their modesty and humility. However, it’s considered a habit, not an obligation, because the rest of the Christian women don’t have to wear it.

Nuns are also committed to covering their heads because it’s a way to set them apart from other women. You see a nun, and you immediately know she devoted her life to religion.

Do Most Christian Women Cover Their Heads While Worshiping?

Interestingly, no, they don’t. Constant revolutions against religions worldwide have led to forgotten customs. Nowadays, we don’t see Christian women covering their heads while going into a church as much as before.

This might trace back to the sexual revolution that took place between the 1950s and the 1960s. It started in the Western world and slowly found its way into Eastern beliefs years later, spreading the idea of female sexual empowerment and canceling any belief in modesty.

There are also endless controversies surrounding covering a women’s head. Many people perceive it as oppression and believe it makes women inferior. Some also think it’s a sign of outdated mindsets. These ideas find their way into a lot of women’s minds, who get convinced and stop covering their heads.

Islamic hijab is also currently suffering the same fate. According to a survey by Pew Research Center, the percentage of Muslim women who wear hijab is only slightly over 40%.

When Did Hijab First Appear?

Contrary to popular belief, the hijab’s first appearance didn’t come with the emergence of the Islamic religion. Instead, there’s proof that head coverings were common as far back as the 13th century BC.

Also, later on, they were used by Christian and Jewish women to deter males and hide from unwanted attention.

So what made the hijab a symbol of Islam? Well, Islam remains the only religion to obligate the act of covering one’s head and hair. It wasn’t a common act till the religion spread through the different countries of the world.


The idea of hijab differs from one religion to another. In Islam, it’s an obligation for all women, but in Christianity, it’s more of a tradition. While it’s encouraged that women cover their heads while worshipping and praying, they’re free to take off the covers while living their everyday life. 

5 thoughts on “Can Christians Wear Hijabs?

  1. Katie says:

    This was a very respectful article, and I’m grateful! I am a Christian and cover my head, and I love connecting with others who do, too. I have simple head coverings that I wear daily, and special coverings for Mass. Thank you for writing about this!

  2. DJhonna M Jones says:

    I have only recently started covering my head. As a Christian I thought it was in appropriate for me but after research I proudly walk with my head covered.

  3. Em Press says:

    I’m a Christian girl from Nigeria. Truth is I just have a strong liking for Muslim women appearance. I want to dress like them cos they seem very comfortable and unique in their outfits but I’m scared of being misunderstood or my belief questioned.

    • Esther says:

      I’m a Christian girl in Nigeria too. I wear hijabs to school and work to look more modest, prevent my clothes from stains, cover my skin from the sun and most importantly deter men. I noticed men don’t give me as much attention when I wear hijabs and I love the freedom.

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