Actions of the Heart

Heart Series hopes to take you on a journey deep into your heart. We’ll ponder together the nature of our heart, what affects it and how to keep it sincere. This is thought #2.
Read #1 if you’ve missed it  إلََّا  مَن أتَى اللهَ بقَلْبٍ سَليم
And next read thought #3 The Doors to your Heart

We talked last post on the actions of the heart and how they can elevate one’s status and purify our intentions and actions. What kind of actions can a heart do?

*”We learn that faith (iman) is actions of the heart combined with statement of the tongue and actions of the limbs, but we ignored the actions of the heart even though that is its essence and core.

Every act of worship has an essence and a physical manifestation.

So the manifestation of the prayer is the standing and bowing and prostration, but its essence is the khushu‘ (the humility, awe, reverence, concentration) of Allah.

The manifestation of fasting is to withhold from everything that breaks the fast from sunrise to sunset but it’s essence is taqwa (consciousness) of Allah.

The manifestation of hajj is the tawaf and sa’ee and standing on Arafat and..and..and..but it’s essence is honoring the symbols of Allah.

The manifestation of du’a is the raising of hands and praise and request but it’s essence is the brokenness and need of Allah.

The manifestation of Dhikr is saying Allahu Akbar and AlHamdulillah, and La illaha ila Allah etc, but it’s essence is the remembrancereverence and love of Allah.

For on the day of Judgment it is the hearts that will be exposed, and only those who come with a serene heart, and a heart that is repentant who will be saved on that day.

Let us then remember to monitor our hearts as severely as we monitor our actions and remember that in this world we traverse distances with our feet, but in the hereafter distances are only traversed by our hearts ❤️

*Adapted from an excerpt of an arabic text circulating on the web for ages, couldn’t find it’s source or author. Above is part of a translation done by Ammar Alshukry from Sheikh Alaa ElSaadawi’s page. May Allah bless them both ?

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6 thoughts on “Actions of the Heart

  1. Menan Khalid says:

    You hit the mark with that one: but in the hereafter distances are only traversed by our hearts?❤️❤️❤️ اللهم نقي قلوبنا

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