We will face obstacles as long as we shall live, yet we should know what deserves our reaction and what we’ll turn a blind eye to. We should choose our battles & know which ones we’ll fight.
God in the Quran says:

“اللغو” means everything that’s not of importance, that includes some of the social media topics that we give our full attention to, or a word that someone ignorantly said. Things we can skip that wouldn’t add any value to our day.
The concept of minding our own business, getting busy with our own lives that we don’t have enough time for trivial situations or topics to take space.
This will make us more productive, more mindful & wiser when reacting to things that really matter. That which we’d call a battle worth of our energy & attention.
So rise above any trifles, protect your heart, and choose your battles cause your time is the most precious gift you have.
الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات
Almost 1 month with hijab. I can’t explain how the hijab made me more confident and the best thing in my opinion is inspiring other girls to take the step and i inspired two of my friends which is the best feeling i have ever felt