As a Muslim hijabi, you have to wear your hijab in the presence of non-mahram men, when praying, and during Hajj or Umrah rituals. But do you have to wear hijab when reading Quran too?
No, you don’t! As long as you’re not in the presence of a non-mahram man or a stranger, you’re free to read Quran without covering your hair. Let’s see if there’s more to the topic!
Do You Have to Wear Hijab When Reading Quran?

You don’t have to wear a hijab when reading Quran without non-mahram men in the room, but that’s not it. There are still guidelines you’ll have to follow.
For example, some Aayaat in the Quran have a Sajdah symbol at the end, which means you have to get up and do a Sajdah amid reciting. To do so, you should wear a hijab because, although it’s only a Sajdah, not a full prayer, it still undergoes the same rules as prayers.
Meaning, you have to be on Wudoo’ and wear a hijab while doing it.
However, it’s worth noting that this is a matter of controversy among scholars. Some of them agree that a Sajdah while reciting The Quran isn’t a part of a prayer, so it doesn’t follow the same rules. This means that you don’t have to wear your hijab to perform it.
Allah knows best!
Do You Have to Be on Wudoo’ When Reading Quran?
Plenty of Muslims around the world don’t know for sure whether they have to be on Wudoo’ when reading Quran. And they’re not wrong to get confused; the matter is a bit complicated.
You don’t have to be on Wudoo’ when reciting, but you should be on Wudoo’ before touching the Quran, though Allah knows best.
According to the four Imams of Islam jurisprudence, you can’t touch the Quran unless you’re in a state of Tahoor. That’s clearly stated in an Aaya in Surat al-Waaqiah: “Which (that Book with Allah) none can touch but the purified.”
That means that you can’t touch it on Janaabah (after sexual intercourse without ghusl) and you can’t touch it without Wudoo’. For Muslim women, that also means they can’t touch it while on their period.
Does that mean you can’t read the Quran without Wudoo’? Well, not exactly. You can still recite it without touching the Mushaf. You can either use a mobile app for reciting or get a cover for your Mushaf. Or, you can touch its pages while wearing a pair of gloves. And of course, the lucky Muslims who got the Quran memorized can read from their memory.
As long as your hands aren’t directly touching the Mushaf, you’re good to go.
Related: The best books about hijab in Islam this year
Can You Sit in the Bed When Reading Quran?

One of the greatest things about Islam is that there are no limitations to reading Quran. Like you can pray anywhere, you can read Quran anywhere and in any form.
And while praying demands that you face the Qibla, you don’t have to do so when reciting Quran. You can sit anywhere, as long as it’s clean, and start reciting.
Of course, it’s preferable to do so in a decent manner to show your respect, but that doesn’t mean you can’t recite while reclining or sleeping on a bed.
In fact, Allah SWT stated that clearly in Surah Al Imran: “remember God standing, sitting, and lying on their sides.” (3:191).
On top of that, the Prophet used to read the Quran while reclining according to Bukhari. And according to Sayyida Aisha—the Prophet’s wife—, he used to recite Quran for her when she was on her period by lying down and resting his head on her folded legs.
Recommended: explore our collection of chic printed modal hijabs.
Do You Have to Face the Qibla When Reading Quran?
You don’t have to face the Qibla when reading Quran, although a lot of Muslims prefer doing it. It’s not obligatory in any way.
However, because you have to face the Qibla when praying, you’ll have to do the same when doing a recitation Sajdah.
What Are the Conditions of Reciting The Quran for Muslim Women?

The conditions for reciting Quran don’t differ much for Muslim men and women. Both have to be in a state of Tahoor while reciting, which means they can’t do it unless they do Wudoo’ first, and they can’t do it on Janaabah.
The only difference is that Muslim Women can’t recite the Quran while on their period unless there’s a cover between their hands and a Mushaf. They can recite the Quran from mobile apps or memory, but they can’t touch the Mushaf directly because they’re not in a full state of Tahoor, and won’t be until the end of their period.
Some jurists believe that women shouldn’t recite the Quran on their period, even when they’re not touching the Mushaf. However, the majority disagree, and in the end, Allah knows best. You’ll get rewarded for reciting either way.
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Final Thoughts
So, do you have to wear hijab when reading Quran? No, you don’t, unless there are non-mahram men in the room.
However, you’ll have to wear the hijab and face the qibla when doing a recitation Sajdah because it’s considered a part of a prayer.
Masha Allah may Allah make all you dreams , desires, wishes and prayers both past and present come true
For sure you do a great job of teaching us.