As these very special 10 days of Dhul Hijja unfold, I’m intrigued to explore more of their hidden gifts sent to enlighten our hearts & souls. To reflect on meanings within them that motivate us to be at our best. For they are, as described by our Prophet ﷺ , “the best days of this world”.
We commonly know that this is a time to do good, as much good as we can. Yet the challenge remains each year for us to find the sincere intentions, focus & motivation to do such good. For me, I am better able to do so when I choose to see this time as an opportunity to celebrate the grand and gracious truth that Allah is in fact “Greater Than All”.
How can one’s heart truly savor & celebrate that Allah is “Greater Than All”?
Perhaps by remembering that He is greater than your problems, her illness, or their loss. That He has the power to free us from pain, and instill us with endurance, guidance, healing, and new hope.
By realizing that He is greater than the love we bear for those we care for, so that our hearts may find in His love a wholehearted love that is not weary, fleeting or ever changing. A love so strong, and true, that the heart is free and gratified, and the trust is enduring.
By opening ourselves up to the luminous truth that He is greater than life as we know it. Life with all its opposites of freedom & limitations, love & hate, pain & pleasure, life & death. So that we stand humble in this life before Him, yet stand strong in having found belonging as His empowered creation.
It is with these heart-lifting certainties that we can aspire to transform ourselves and lead a more meaningful life of purpose.
That we are better motivated towards goodness for ourselves and others, because our hearts are empowered with trust in Allah’s wisdom of what tomorrow brings of healing, opportunity and new beginnings. We, empowered with His love, are able to give, forgive, care and share. Able to keep on going and doing what we can, with whatever we have, no matter how small.
So now it’s your turn to reflect, to envision, and to act. It’s your chance to spread the beauty & goodness that comes from relying on His power, wisdom, compassion and love. From His greatness. So I ask you:
How will you bring good into the world this month in recognition & celebration that Allah is greater than all?
Enjoyable read, thank you Shaza
AHL so glad you enjoyed it Somaia may it inspire you to create even more joy dear ya Rab ?
Very Inspiring, I never thought of it this way. It always amazes me how we can keep learning more about ourselves by knowing more about our Creator. Thank you for taking the time to share this
Thank you dear Farah may you continue to grow closer to your Creator and more fulfilled and knowledgable of yourself ya Rab?
May we all benefit from these blessed days inshallah Allah, and may we be all next year in Makkah ya Rabb!
What a lovely Dua for us all?
Ameen ya Rab dear Marwa?
The good I want to give to the world this month I am involved in volunteer work in “jameih el risala” to help people who need my help
That’s a wonderful way to give back Normeen, so proud of you! ❤️
That’s wonderful Normeen dear. Keep your intentions sincere and your heart strong with the knowing that this is a step closer to Allah who is greater than all ?
I will focus on being thankful when times are tough, seeing the big picture of how no matter I might feel troubled, always Allah is there for me and is greater than all of this.
Yes Kariman dear focusing on the bigger picture and having a heart that trusts in Allah’s wisdom and compassion will بعون الله وفضله help you through troubling times gracefully ya Rab despite the worry & pain. He is our true source of strength & He is greater than all?