IWS Interview – Yasmine Medhat

Inspiring Women Series are to showcase some of the successful modest women out there, who succeed not inspite of their hijab but because of it.

Yasmine Medhat is a 29 year old perfectionist full of positive energy. She is a devoted mom of 3 and one of Egypt’s successful and loved entrepreneurs. She is the Founder of Bazarna, an event planning company providing families with unique shopping experiences in a fun family-friendly atmosphere.

When did you start wearing hijab? Tell us a little about your journey.

It’s a pretty long story! I grew up in a moderately conservative family and was brought up in a way where I acquired Hayaa. For example, when everyone was still donning bikinis at 5th grade, I stopped. As I grew up I started to feel conscious about the way I dress and started to gradually cover up. What also helped me stay on track is sports. I was in the club’s handball team for 10 years, so between school and practice, I didn’t have time to “go astray” and was protected by being too busy.

During High school, I went for Hajj, and when I came back I couldn’t put it on yet although I really wanted to. “Maybe after Uni?” I thought and decided to just dress modestly. I even stopped shaking hands with men, which garnered a lot of criticism of course. Around that time, many of the people around me starting wearing the Hijab during the Amr Khaled hijab wave. People I wouldn’t have imagined to ever put it on did, and there I was, still couldn’t do it myself.


I had many great friends alhamdu Lillah in high school and my main concern back then was that I had a big chance to be crowned Prom Queen and was worried if I do wear the hijab, my chances of being chosen would plummet or I won’t “fit” in any more. Ah, teen worries, how naive we were! 🙂

Then my best friend’s father passed away. I went to the burial and was very emotional. The whole experience left me shaken and subhan Allah, remembering the reality of death really puts things into perspective. “What am I waiting for?” I thought. Nothing is worth facing your Lord in a state not pleasing to Him. So I decided not to postpone any longer and I went to the ‘Aza as a hijabi.

Right afterwards, 5 other people around me followed suit, including my best friend. There was no problem of fitting in anymore. The icing on the cake?

I got crowned Prom Queen a couple of weeks later! It was like an assuring gift from God, telling me hijab will never stop you, on the contrary, it would elevate you. It felt so good! ❤️

You have founded one of Egypt’s best Bazar and Event Planning businesses , tell us how that started?

After Uni, I worked as a school teacher for a year, it was fine but I didn’t like the hectic and monotonous routine it offered. Having kids and my given character, I knew I needed to do something that has a different pace, and gives me more breaks rather than non stop work.

When designer scarves were in, I started selling them online and to close friends, but as demand got higher I arranged small open days. People started pouring in, and other friends and acquaintances started to ask if they too can exhibit in my open days. That’s when we had our first Bazaar, in Marina 2010. Everyone was doing bazaars back then in Le Pacha, and it was boring.

Just then it hit me. This is exactly what I needed. A project with a purpose. My intention was to help small local businesses to grow and get the right exposure they needed while bringing happiness and fun to families and spreading positive vibes at our events.

So I set out right away to put my big idea into action. I embarked on a journey, which I believe helped many small startups grow into accomplished businesses and put many smiles on kids and adults faces alike. Our first official Bazarna Event was on Jan 2011, 10 days before the revolution. It was a huge success alhamdu Lillah.

You are a mom of 3, how do you manage your work with family life?

One thing I have to mention first is that I was married and got pregnant while still in Uni (something I don’t recommend to anyone ? ) and so was pushed early on to get a grip on things! That gave me a head start on honing my time management, multi tasking and prioritizing skills. For me family always comes first, and maintaining a work out routine helps me stay energized and focused in life.

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Moreover, I run an event planning business so strategic planning is a core strength ? and I’ve learned to counter all problems imaginable that can surface in a country like Egypt when planning an event or running a business, so much that I think we’ve mastered crisis management to an extent we can teach it to other companies abroad!

What sets Bazarna apart from any other?

We scan and select the exhibitors that offer varied, unique and relevant products that our patrons would value. We also stress on showcasing local artisans and designers, very few would be of imported origin. Many of the small businesses that started with us have grew and became household names Masha Allah. A family friendly atmosphere is key for us, starting at the safety measures we take, kind of products and services exhibited, to the choice of music, decoration and activities offered that both adults and children would enjoy.


We are creative and try to offer new themes and ideas at our events. We were also the first to combine both holidays, muslim and christian when we hosted our Winter Wonderland event last year, honoring our country’s diversity.

Each exhibitor is part of our family and we make sure to keep a close relationship with them all. Last Ramadan event, each exhibitor got a personalized fanoos with his name inscribed on.

I run a very tight ship, but there’s a family feel that extends to everyone that works with us. We are ateam altogether and I try to eliminate the “boss” effect so all would feel invested and work together seamlessly. I even wear the same uniform with our logo on at events to instill that concept.

  Some friends commented that we have established a new shopping trend in Egypt. We’re proud and grateful of our accomplishments and we have more surprises in store incha Allah.

What is your favorite Aya in the Quran  and why?

〈 وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ ۖ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ ۖ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ 〉

The 186th verse of Surat al Baqara, it always serves me as a reminder that no matter what gets thrown at me, Allah is one prayer away. Some people tend to forget that priceless yet instant access they can get to Allah, the magic power that a word of prayer can possess. He is watching over me, through thick and thin He is there for me, all what I have to do is just reconnect, and all will be ok.

Your life’s and work’s moto?

Life: ” When you were born you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, your’re the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying”

Work: “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation”

Best advice you were given?

Oh so many! One of my favorites is :

Never to look back in regret but to move on to the next thing. A setback is never a bad experience, just another one of life’s lessons.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone struggling with hijab, what would it be?

yasmine medhat

Have the courage to live a life true to yourself, not the life others expect of you.  Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you. Keep around you people who are like you or you aspire to be like. You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.

Also don’t let a day pass by unless you do something good, like a sadaqa or دعاء بظهر الغيب . It helps to anchor you and keep you centered.

And always remember the Prophet ﷺ words

♥ من ترك شيئا لله عوضه الله خيرا منه ♥

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13 thoughts on “IWS Interview – Yasmine Medhat

  1. Jasmin says:

    Very inspiring GOD bless you, Go ahead …hope that you try as much as possible to support the Egyptian materials and support our economy (industrial one) not exporting clothes only or materials…so as to add a real value to our Economy…best regards????????

  2. Sohaila El-Mahdy says:

    This is one of the most inspiring and touching articles I have ever read! Thank you for reminding me of how easy it is to ask something of God and how close God is to us ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Dahlia Nassar says:

    MsA she’s beautiful…
    Loved this interview — Subhanallah, her favourite verse is one of my favourite verses too. Excellent reminder… Thanks for sharing Mona…

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