Inspiring Women Series are to showcase some of the successful modest women out there, who succeed not inspite of their hijab but because of it.
Nour El Moselhy, 26 years, High School Counselor by day, Fitness Coach by night, and a Positive Psychology Coach. Devoted to healing, growth, and empowerment.

1-Tell us about your hijab story, when did you wear it and what motivated you to take the step?
I wore Hijab because at some point I felt that the life I was living put me into depression, I lost all the means to happiness and I felt so unsatisfied with it, although I supposedly was “living my life”. So I decided to change, and the first thing I wanted was to do anything or any step that will please God, and I had no idea really what would that step be, but I had this deep feeling that I want to wear Hijab and from that moment on I did not take it off ever since and it’s such a huge blessing Alhamdulilah.

2-What inspired you to start your coaching career?
Throughout the learning journey of taking courses and reading different books in that field, I felt that the knowledge I acquired was so eye opening and it changed my perspective in a lot of experiences I’ve been through that I used to perceive differently. So, I wanted to pass on this knowledge to all girls and tell them everything I learned to help them achieve their goals, and fix any insecurities they have related to their daily lives or their past. And happily, throughout my coaching sessions, I felt the changes in their lives too as I did in mine.

3-What do you find most interesting about studying psychology?
For me, the most interesting thing about psychology is that it can take you only one conversation to deeply understand the person you’re talking to. You can literally see through their words and their body language. You tend to look at life with a different eye after getting to know your own psyche and other people’s too.

4-If you could send a heart-to-heart message to every girl out there, what would it be?
I wish that every girl would love herself enough and be so confident and comfortable in her own skin. Because seriously, the root of all darkness and all the problems we face is that we may not know our own worth; but if every girl worked hard on developing her personality and gave much attention to her own life by focusing on her goals and dreams, it would make a drastic difference and change. I think that would be the message?!

5-You’re also a fitness coach, do you find wearing hijab challenging while coaching others?
It’s not a challenge at all! Actually, I’m freely and happily doing everything with it, and having the option of taking it off and wearing all those tight and revealing clothes, yet choosing not to, is very empowering. I believe it’s all about not minding what other people say or do, so if any girl out there is doing any type of sport and finds it hard with hijab, please try to change your perspective and never care for what people say as long as what you’re wearing and whatever you’re doing is satisfying for you. It’s your OWN life, not anyone else’s.

6-What is a concept you always live by?
“كلا إن معى ربي سيهدين”
“Indeed, with me is my Lord, He will guide me”
This is the very concept I cannot live without and it will always be my motto in everything I do in my life. I always keep this Ayah through all the ups and downs I go through, because if God is with me, nothing will get me through hard times or make me reach any success but him. And just knowing this makes me at ease.

7-Being a high-school counselor and a character-building teacher, in what ways did the job add to your personal life?
It adds to my life a sense of purpose. When I look at myself back when I was a teenager, I feel that maybe what I needed most was to have someone close to me who would understand everything I’m going through or help me take decisions in some situations. So now, it’s a huge privilege for me to be able to be that close from my students in their teenage years and to have the opportunity to guide them in whatever they are going through and give them the help that I personally needed when I was their age. Spending half of my day doing a job like this is something I’m really proud of.

8-How do you stay accomplished and self-disciplined?
I forgive myself often. I learned that I have to be self-compassionate and to never beat myself up for the falls, because no one stays accomplished and self-disciplined 24/7. So whenever I fall, whenever I stray from the road I’m walking in, I would just leave myself to feel whatever it wants, whether it’s guilt, stress, anxiety or whatever feeling, and then I would gather myself up back again and resume from where I stopped. Also, one of the things that helped me is being self-aware, staying alert to everything I do, so when something goes wrong, I know that I should fix things. And defiantly making duaa! It’s a magic spell! One cannot go on with his life without making duaa, because if there is one savior out there, it is this.
Loved this! Thank you so much for bringing back the inspiring women series ?
Glad you found benefit in it ❤️
Masha Allah, love her energy ♥️
Thank you big time ?❤️
Your words are so sweet?
Thank you for this cutiie message ✨
Thank you ❤️❤️
Where can I study to be a youth counselor?
If you don’t have a bachelor degree in psychology you’ll have to get certified as a life coach + take credible psychology courses
She’s a real inspiration! Enjoyed reading it very much ?
I couldn’t be more happy ❤️
Bgad so happy to know people like her, this make me motivate to do all my dreams ♥️??⚡️
You go girl ❤️❤️
ya Nour you inspired me specially concerning self forgiveness and being a teenager’s counselor which is as important as teaching the curriculum, May Allah give you the light in your pathway as it is in your name ♥️
Ameen to that! Thank you so much for your kind words ❤️
This helped me to deal differently with my anxiety! Thank youu for sharing ❤
Every single word touched my heart! :’)
The writer ♥