Cleo’s Emerald


Inspired by Cleopatra’s power and bravery, we brought you this precious piece of art. An enchanting green hue, a symbol of eternal youth and vital energy. You’ll feel quite royal in this beauty, dare to be as majestic as Queen Cleopatra.

What Makes A Woman Collection:
Is it her pleasant features and feminine curves? Don’t think so…
We’re not objects to be looked at. We are daring souls, change makers, intellectuals and passionate leaders!

This scarf was Inspired by Queen Cleopatra, a passionate leader, who was very smart and highly educated. At a very young age she was assigned the fate of a great empire, ruled with wisdom and made Egypt one of the richest lands of the time. She used her femininity and brilliant tactics to maintain her own political power during some of the most dangerous and complicated times the world has ever seen. She might have lost the battle, but stood tall through it all, never succumbed to patriarchy, and never lost sight of her goal to lead her country to great heights.

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